Con los alumnos del grupo de alto rendimiento, trabajamos cómo presentar un powerpoint delante de un grupo grande. Aprovechando su participación al viaje cultural a Dublín, les guiamos para que presentaran en inglés the "Book of Kells"a sus compañeros de 3º y 4º de la ESO.
Para los alumnos, fue una forma de vencer su "miedo escénico", de conocer mejor The Book of Kells y de presentar en inglés a sus compañeros una de las piezas más famosas del Trinity College.
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En este primer bloque compartiré los recursos creados con los alumnos para diferentes actividades de este curso, que continuarán también en el siguiente:
One year after my Job-Shadowing at Prudhoe Community High School(UK) I’m trying to apply captains to team sports, with my students. It has been a good idea for improving their responsibility for engaging teammates in the lessons. They are increasing their tactics skills and, overall, their knowledge of sports. Here you have some examples in foot baseball with 3º ESO.
The following activity is related to one I saw in Belgium called "Break loose". It consisted on lessons in a museum, a library and so on. As we can see in the photographs, the pupils of the first course of ESO are creating some pennants with short stories they have invented in order to decorate the hall the days we will celebrate the 30th anniversary. They have enjoyed the activity so much. I'm sure people will like the pennants! During my stay at the language training course in Edinburgh, one of my goals was to improve my pronunciation of English.
Therefore, throughout this academic year, I've tried to be very accurate with the phonetics of all the vocabulary words that appear in my subjects (Biology and Geology, Music). In order to achieve this, I have added to the vocabulary lists of each unit the pronunciation of the words, so that it is quick and effective to check it in class. |
e+TiesProyecto Erasmus+ en consorcio con otros 13 centros de Castilla-La Mancha, para los cursos 2017-2019. Información Erasmus +Twinspace e+tiesArchivos
Junio 2019
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