Another activity I could transfer from my experiencie in Belgium to my School is direct relation between school and the villages of the pupils.
Last week the students of Bachillerato and the fourth level of ESO shared with their partners information about their own villages. They took advantage of their knwoledge of journalism genres we have studied in our lessons. This way, they made interviews, news and so on in order to talk about gastronomy, culture, habits... In their villages. It has been such an interesting activity, not only because of the knowledge of the students, but also because of their success as speakers and respectful attitude of each others.
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e+TiesProyecto Erasmus+ en consorcio con otros 13 centros de Castilla-La Mancha, para los cursos 2017-2019. Información Erasmus +Twinspace e+tiesArchivos
Junio 2019
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